All you need to do is flip a switch and you’re warm. As simple as that when you have a gas fireplace at home. It is certainly practical and clean as there’s no hauling or chopping wood, no constant fire tending, no waiting for embers to die down, no ashes or messy cleanup. Furthermore, there are environmental benefits to natural gas. It is in its natural form, natural gas doesn’t require expensive, pollution-causing processing and doesn’t transfer emissions. That’s why it’s called as one of the most environmentally clean of all fossil fuels.

Fireplace Repair

However, do not let failing fireplaces can ignite your anger, and don’t lose your cool when your gas fireplace won’t start. Fireplace repair experts recommend trying the following troubleshooting techniques to make your gas fireplace go up in flamesin a good way.
1. Check the main gas valve to make sure the gas is turned on.  Pilot light systems are the most common reason gas fireplaces fail to light. Spiders and other insects often lay nests inside pilot tubings in rural areas. Thus, it is highly recommended people in rural areas leave their pilot lights on for this reason.
2. If the gas is on, and the pilot hasn’t been lit in a couple months, you’ll need to purge the air out of the pilot tubing. To do this, hold the pilot button down for about one to three minutes while the air bleeds out.
3. If gas is coming out of the pilot, but it still won’t light, the spark igniter could be the problem. Then what you need to do is to look for and clear out any debris between the igniter and thermocouple.

Additional useful tip, if the pilot is lighting, but not staying lit, it indicates that the thermocouple is worn out.

In order to fix this blowing compressed air into the pilot area, waiting a couple minutes, then trying again,just like you did with your Nintendo games in the 1990s could help fix the problem. Consider these ventless fireplace maintenance tips, safety concerns and install costs.

It is highly recommended to call the pros if troubleshooting repairs don’t work. According to experts, other gas fireplace repairs include loose connections, defective valves or bad modules in electric ignition units.

The reason is different gas fireplace inserts present different challenges. The latest and newer systems with electric igniters are more sensitive, and require the owner to figure out if the issue lies in the electronic ignition or pilot. Sometimes those units have a battery backup system and can be switched to battery mode. However, diagnosis methods remain about the same. The most service calls are about $100, and repairs for pilot lights cost $150 on average.

How much you choose to investigate your gas fireplace problem depends on your experience with gas appliances. It is better safe than sorry because a small repair can become much costlier if you don’t know what you are doing. The sign that you need to do call experts in is if you’ve attempted all the troubleshooting methods that you feel comfortable with.

But in this case be aware of a low-priced handyman, because, gas fireplace operate differently than your furnace. Normally they charge for $145 to inspect, clean, service and repair a fireplace. In this case, it is better off dealing with the gas fireplace repair and service with a trusted and specialized technician.

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